Saving heating costs and energy with new PVC-U windows

Modern windows are not a boring component, but a chic design element that lends many buildings that crucial accentuation. But above all, window systems also constitute an investment in the future. Scarcely no other component can help to save so easily large sums of heating costs. On average, windows make up about a third of the facade on most building types. According to experts, these can serve to save up to 40% of the total energy bill. Older windows, or windows over twenty years old, do not fulfil the current thermal insulation and energy requirements. The heat losses through these window systems can be many, many times higher than through their modern PVC-U counterparts. Considering that energy prices are constantly on the rise and the optimal thermal insulation of a building can help to save several hundred euros of heating costs every year, new windows pay off earlier than it is generally believed.
But how can the various window systems be compared or measured? This is where the so called U-value comes into play, a value that helps to compare the thermal insulation values of every window and residential door. The formula extends to all components relevant to thermal insulation. The value is then determined by certified testing institutes. The easiest rule to remember is that the smaller this value, the less heat escapes to the outside.
Yet new windows not only serve to save heating costs, they also enhance the quality of living and the value of the building. And all this is also subsidised by the state. The most diverse aid programmes for new buildings and renovations or restorations create appealing incentives for the use of modern PVC-U windows.
And when these window systems are installed properly by a professional window manufacturer or have been tuned specifically to your needs, nothing can go wrong for the future. And payments for skilled work can also be offset against tax payments, making the whole even more attractive.